Human versus AI

Human versus AI

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I asked ChatGPT to number the sentences in the story it wrote. I am sure you found the story a bit flawed. Let’s look at sentence 1. I don’t think you would expect a human to have written it. The best that could be said about the sentence is that it is clumsily written. Sentence 2 is much more promising. It looks like the work of beginning writer. Instead of going all the way through the story, I would like you to just consider the first two sentences. As a human, how would you rewrite them? How did you make the sentences seem more human? Put your suggestions in the comments section below.

Me:Number every sentence for easy references


Certainly! Here’s the revised story with numbered sentences for easy reference:

  1. In the near future, in a bustling metropolis where flying cars and holographic displays adorned the skyline, resided two individuals named Alex and Maya. Both aged twelve, they had forged a deep bond as childhood friends.
  2. Alex was a bright and inquisitive young man, known for his inventive prowess and passion for exploration. Meanwhile, Maya, possessing a compassionate nature, showcased her artistic talents through virtual reality masterpieces.
  3. One fine afternoon, amid the radiant glow of the setting sun, the pair engaged in exhilarating races on their advanced hoverboards, weaving through towering edifices with laughter and excitement.
  4. As twilight descended, they decided to rest by an artificial pond, beholding the luminous spectacle of the night sky.
  5. Maya gazed upward, her voice tinged with wonder, “Look at the stars. I can’t help but wonder what it might be like to traverse among them someday.”
  6. Alex’s eyes gleamed with enthusiasm, envisioning the possibilities, “Perhaps in the future, we’ll have our own spacecraft, venturing into the vast unknown together. Wouldn’t that be truly awe-inspiring?”
  7. Maya smiled pensively, sensing an ineffable connection with that notion. Little did they know that destiny had an extraordinary plan in store for them, far exceeding their most audacious dreams.
  8. Years passed, witnessing the deepening of Alex and Maya’s bond. Inseparable, they shared their thoughts, tested Alex’s latest innovations, and explored the wondrous realms of Maya’s virtual art galleries.
  9. Their friendship flourished, allowing them to discuss everything from cutting-edge technologies to their aspirations and aspirations beyond the horizon.
  10. One fateful day, as they strolled home from school, they stumbled upon a peculiar emporium, entirely unfamiliar to them, named “Mystic Curiosities: Unearth the Unseen.”
  11. Intrigued, their curiosity impelled them to venture inside.
  12. The establishment was a trove of peculiar antiquities and ancient relics. They were welcomed by an elderly man with a flowing white beard, exuding an aura of warmth.
  13. Alex introduced themselves, “I’m Alex, and this is my friend, Maya.” Their eyes roved over the fascinating array of objects displayed.
  14. “I sense a profound bond between you two. Young love, perhaps?” Mr. Alvaro discerned with a knowing twinkle in his eye.
  15. Blushing and chuckling, Alex and Maya acknowledged their close companionship, not yet having contemplated the depth of their feelings. However, as they spent more time in the store, they found themselves drawn to one another in an inexplicable way.
  16. Observing this transformation, Mr. Alvaro handed each of them a radiant crystal, whispering enigmatically, “These crystals shall unveil the depths of your heart’s desires.”
  17. That night, the two friends clutched the crystals, placing them close to their hearts as they slept. In their dreams, they witnessed visions of shared adventures, exploring uncharted planets, and soaring amidst the celestial majesty of stars.
  18. They also glimpsed moments of unparalleled joy, crafting art and engineering marvels side by side.
  19. Upon awakening, they enthusiastically exchanged their dreams, gradually comprehending their newfound affection for one another. Eagerly returning to the enigmatic emporium, they confided in Mr. Alvaro about their profound emotions.
  20. “Youthful love possesses a profound power,” Mr. Alvaro proclaimed, a knowing smile upon his lips. “And it appears that the cosmos has selected you both for something extraordinary.”
  21. He revealed the true essence of the crystals; they were mystical keys to a concealed spaceship, an entity whispered of in legend. This extraordinary vessel was said to transcend the boundaries of time and space, unlocking the potential of those whose love was pure and unwavering.
  22. “It is your destiny to find this spacecraft and unleash its powers in unison,” Mr. Alvaro declared. “Only by upholding a unified front, supporting one another, and embracing the strength of your love can you unlock its boundless potential.”
  23. Thrilled and resolute, Alex and Maya set forth on an unparalleled odyssey, following the cryptic trail left by the crystals. Their journey led them through breathtaking landscapes and intricate enigmas, yet they confronted each challenge united, their love strengthening with every trial.
  24. Approaching the culmination of their quest, they discovered themselves on a clandestine planet beyond the realms of imagination. There, they beheld the fabled spaceship, awaiting their arrival. Its sleek, futuristic contours shimmered under an otherworldly firmament.
  25. Together, they reverently inserted their crystals into the spaceship’s control panel, witnessing the vessel come to life with a resounding hum. It recognized the sanctity of their love and dedication, granting them the ability to traverse time and space.
  26. With the ship at their command, Alex and Maya embarked on countless escapades, exploring the cosmos in all its magnificence. They encountered novel civilizations, shared knowledge, and radiated love wherever they roamed.
  27. Yet, amid all the grandeur and excitement, their most cherished moments were the tranquil ones spent together—gazing at the stars, intertwined hands, and conversing about their dreams. They realized that the true magic of their odyssey lay not merely in the places they visited but in the profound connection they shared.
  28. Thus, Alex and Maya’s saga of science fiction romance persevered across the ages. Their love transcended time, inspiring generations to come. Irrespective of the infinite vastness of the universe, they found eternity in each other’s hearts.
  29. And so, they continued to live passionately ever after, together, exploring the stars and their love, boundlessly. The End.




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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”