A writing prompt for Memorial Day

A writing prompt for Memorial Day

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Laying down for their last sleep

It’s been 58 Memorial Days since the one I spent in Vietnam. I don’t remember any holiday when I was there. I do remember that paydays meant one less month left in country. When men I had trained with were killed, I vowed to remember that day. But that’s got too common to remember. I asked Chat GPT for an appropriate writing prompt for Memorial Day. Here it is below.

On Memorial Day weekend, when honoring those who have served and sacrificed for their country, a writing tip for novelists would be to explore themes of bravery, resilience, and the impact of war. Here’s a specific tip to guide your writing:

Tip: Capture the Emotional Journey of a Veteran

  1. Research and empathy: Take the time to research and understand the experiences of veterans. Read personal accounts, memoirs, and historical records to gain insight into their struggles, triumphs, and the emotional toll of their service.
  2. Complex characters: Create well-rounded characters who have served in the military. Develop their backstories, motivations, and the internal conflicts they face as a result of their experiences. Highlight the emotional journey they undergo, including their triumphs, challenges, and the scars they carry.
  3. Authentic dialogue and reactions: Pay attention to the language and mannerisms of veterans when writing dialogue. Use realistic, honest expressions to bring their experiences to life. Capture their unique perspectives, coping mechanisms, and the complexities of their relationships with others.
  4. Themes of healing and growth: Explore the process of healing and growth for your veteran characters. Address the psychological and emotional challenges they face post-service, such as PTSD, survivor’s guilt, or reintegration difficulties. Show their progress as they navigate these obstacles and find ways to heal and rebuild their lives.
  5. Portray the impact on families and communities: Expand beyond the individual veteran’s experience and consider how their service affects their loved ones and communities. Explore the ripple effects of war on relationships, support systems, and the collective memory of a community.
  6. Balance realism with hope: While it’s important to depict the hardships and traumas veterans face, also emphasize the resilience, strength, and hope that can emerge from these experiences. Show the power of human connection, compassion, and understanding in aiding the healing process.

Remember, storytelling is a powerful way to honor and reflect upon the sacrifices of those who have served. By crafting authentic and emotionally resonant narratives, you can contribute to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the veteran experience.




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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”