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I took the fourth and fifth off from writing other than a couple of quick posts. I find it interesting that I never truly take a day off from writing. I usually have a project that I’m working on. If it’s going to be a complex scene coming up next, I will plot out the interactions between the characters. If I have a scene I want to use, but I’m not sure how it fits into the plot. I will have to convince myself that it’s important and shouldn’t be left out. Sometimes you just have the perfect scene but it just doesn’t fit anyplace in what you’re writing.
An example of a perfect scene with no place to fit it in a novel is a love scene. I don’t mean physical sex, but the kind of scene that shows the love between characters and the strength of their love. I’ll files scenes like that in my head for use in another novel.
My thoughts over this holiday were all about the fact that I should be writing, but I wasn’t. I was being lazy.