Listen for ideas

Listen for ideas

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As a writer, I’m interested in how and why things are happening around me. We had President Trump’s start of his reelection campaign in Florida. Politicians know they must provoke emotional responses to succeed. President Trump is a great showman and uses that skill to his advantage. I guess I should explain what I mean by provoking an emotional response. If you and I were face-to-face and I said, “You are the dumbest idiot ever seen. You must have the IQ of a toad.” I might have to duck as you took a swing at me because the statement is one that will provoke an emotional response. I am sure you can think of hundreds of other things that could be said that would do the same thing. President Trump knew he was talking to an audience of its supporters, so he used the ideas and phrases that would evoke an emotional response. He even went back to the last election and attacked Hillary. It was a masterful display of his showmanship. There was nothing new in that rally nor should there have been. It was as the commentators say, “Trump was cementing his base.”

It did mark the start of the next presidential campaign even though the Democrats have a huge number of people running for the presidency. We must remember they are also politicians. They will try to provoke an emotional response from us. If we are aware of what they’re attempting to do, we can dismiss those comments and look for their ideas. We need to see from those running for president what their policies would be and how they would implement them. If they failed to do that and just call the other side “a bunch of jerks,” we can dismiss them no matter what party. Let’s just set back and let none of the politicians provoke emotion and listen to what will truly matter – their policies.



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”