Ethical Seduction

Ethical Seduction

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As you know if you read these blogs, I have a great deal of fun with the spam emails I get. A great deal of them have to do with our relationships with the opposite sex, intimate or otherwise. There was a great one this morning with the title “Ethical Seduction” aimed at men. An interesting combination of words. Ethical definition as used in this phrase seems to mean conforming to an ethical standard. Seduction is usually defined as convincing someone to have sexual intercourse. The combination of the two words is striking since it would seem they shouldn’t go together. As I read on in the ad, it was clear it was aimed at men who were married or in a long-term relationship. It explained even in a marriage that you shouldn’t demand sex. To keep your marriage strong, you need to “seduce your wife” unexpectedly every now and then because it lets her know you find her “desirable,” “attractive,” and so on. It seemed to me to be common sense advice. For just $27, they would sell you an e-book on how to do this unexpected seduction.

Like so many of these ads, what they seem to be offering is just common sense. When you first get married, you have amazing experiences with your wife. And in all honesty, you tell her how much you desire her and how you can’t get enough of her. We get away from that as time moves on and our intimate relationship becomes rather perfunctory. We need to let our partner know how much she means to us and how beautiful and sexy and desirable she is. If that means we are practicing “Ethical Seduction,” so be it. No need to to get out a credit card and spend $27!



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”