Sexual differences in ads

Sexual differences in ads

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It’s probably because I always sign my name VC Angell that there’s some confusion over my sex. I’m sure the programs harvesting email addresses are unsure which pile to put me, male or female. It means I get some interesting spam aimed at both sexes. I’ve been intrigued lately by the implied difficulty people seem to have with relationships. At least as indicated by the number of ads related to relationships and sexuality I get. From this morning’s mail here are a couple of examples directed at women “Get The Round, High BOOTY Butt Look” and “Swallowing?” For men here are a couple of examples “striking up conversations ” and “When do I know I can kiss her?” The ads for women consistently revolve around how to have looks that attract men and then questions about what is okay in sexual relationships. The ads for men consistently revolve around just approaching a woman and the very first stages of intimacy. I think the differences in the ads are interesting.

Since I am a male, I can only tell you how I react to the ads directed at men. I know there was a time at the start of puberty when it was suddenly difficult to talk to a girl and I didn’t know why but that quickly passed. From all of the ads I’m getting, it would appear that this difficulty or fear of talking to a woman now goes on well past the onset of puberty. I have wondered why. I have wondered if technology isn’t interfering. I have seen couples sitting in a coffee shop obviously texting each other just across the table and only rarely looking at the other person. I’ve also wondered if it’s the dating apps – swipe left swipe right? That certainly doesn’t require any interaction with the opposite sex. Perhaps, you have an answer. I’m sure the sociologists are looking at the problem and may even have an answer I’m unaware of.

This forced me to think about my past experiences. Other than right at the time of puberty, I don’t remember any fear of approaching women. I do remember after the death of my first wife of having a real fear of falling in love with someone. I felt it was my love for my first wife that caused her death in childbirth. It took a while to resolve that. I think it may also be fear that it’s driving both men and women and these ads are providing solutions. Do you agree?




One Response

  1. fear is a great selling point, the new version of sex sells. One thing I do know, my husband has told me many times that he wished someone had told him, just go up and say hello or do you want to dance, it’s either no or yes, and eventually, you’ll get a yes. Bottom line, the no means nothing to you at that stage because you don’t know them and therefore it doesn’t hurt. He says if he had is time again, he’d ask left, right and centre any girl, even those he thought would be out of his league, because let’s face it, someones girls just want to be noticed.

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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”