Crazy nerves – they put me on the floor again!

Crazy nerves – they put me on the floor again!

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As most of you know, I suffered damage to my spine in the military. What you might not know is there is some damage that this is not repairable by any current medical treatment. That’s the position I’m in right now. What always amazes me is there’s always something new happening. I use a walker to get around as a safety feature. The details are too long for this post. This morning I got up and everything was normal – normal for me. I sat down and watched the first half hour of the Today Show and had a cup coffee. I got up to go shave etc. and took a couple of steps. My good leg, my right leg, began to tremble and it was clear it wasn’t going to move in even though I wanted it to and also it wasn’t going to support me for very long. I did what seemed prudent. I pushed the walker away. I then did as I was first taught when I was learning ski, I laid down on my side – read controlled crash. As I was there on the floor, I began to wonder if my right leg wasn’t going the way of my left. I had been told I was headed to a wheelchair for mobility. I thought perhaps today was my wheelchair day. After a while, I managed to make my way into a chair. After a few moments of contemplation, I decided it was time to see what my silly right leg was doing and the darn thing functioned. Well, not like yours I’m sure. I don’t know about you, but some first experiences are great. Like the first time, I kissed a woman I had fallen in love with. Others were not so great. Like being told to go into a flock of turkeys and pick one out for our dinner when I was six or seven years old. Every turkey I tried to pick up beat the hell out of me and everyone laughed at me. My experience this morning wasn’t that bad because my ego wasn’t hurt, but I wouldn’t rate it as a good one.



3 Responses

  1. You will not like this message, but I feel that I have a right to say this. Why did you lay on the floor? Why wasn’t Mary helping you to sit up and slowly get you on a step stool, then up into a chair? I was really upset and angry! Another thing is that you can set up an appointment with therapy to show you and Mary the proper way to get up after a fall. Maybe it is also time for you to get a walker with an attached seat, like I used after my leg surgery. I OK so did I get you good and angry?

    1. At first, my right leg refused to move at all. I could move it by picking it up and moving it. Slowly, it began to function. That’s when I decided it would be okay to try to get up and Mary brought over a chair then. I sat in the chair for a while until the leg seemed to be ready to function again.

  2. Elsa, I understand where you’re coming from.. but.. not so long ago I thought, sure I can help, I am a strong and able person, strong for a female. Then one day my father in law fell over in the hall way, even with my husband to help, we together where very surprised at how heavy he was. I actually understood “dead weight” for the first time. I’m not too sure Mary could have done much more, but the best thing is, she was there. Not being alone, provides so much more in strength, motivation and determination.

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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”