I have asked my Republican friends “What are you thinking?”

I have asked my Republican friends “What are you thinking?”

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There are a couple of things I’d like to share with you. There was a guest post this week. On the day it was posted, and for the next couple of days, traffic to the website almost doubled. I’ll see if some writers I know want to do a guest blog. I thought the female perspective brought to the guest blog this week was beneficial.

I have been wondering about what my Republican friends are thinking. The abortion debate is really a religious one. Let me explain for those who aren’t this blog’s regular readers. If you had cancer, that lump would be removed. There would be no question about it because it did not have a soul. I am going to introduce a new word, ensoulment. In religion and philosophy, ensoulment is when a human or other being gains a soul. This bit from Wikipedia, “Some belief systems maintain that a soul is newly created within a developing child and others, especially in religions that believe in reincarnation, that the soul is pre-existing and added at a particular stage of development.” Since the 19th century, Catholic thought has held that ensoulment occurs at the moment of conception. It appears to me that is the basis for all the antiabortion laws because other conservative Christian churches have adopted the same view.

When theology mixes with politics, the results have always led to conflict, sometimes even outright war. The First Amendment to our Constitution attempted to keep religion out of politics. The current abortion debate is based on religious belief. Can you see the danger of forcing a religious belief on a whole nation? That is one of the two questions I have for the Republican Party.

The other question I have for the Republican Party is about the current stance of a particular part of their party, not raising the debt limit without reducing spending. The national debt number is one that people simply can’t fathom. After all, what is a trillion? Let us try to make some sense out of the national debt number.

In the early 2000s, the average cost of a home in the United States was around $200,000 to $250,000, according to online research. Turning once more to online research, “We learned that in the early 2000s, average income was around $42,000 to $45,000 per year.” We learn that a house costs approximately five times their yearly endings in that time. GDP is a country’s income which is similar to a family’s income. Research online found results for 2020 GDP. It was approximately $21.43 trillion. Doing more online research, I found “the United States national debt for the fiscal year 2020 was approximately $26.95 trillion.” That means our national debt is just 1.25 times our income. It is also much better than the five times debt for a new home.

I understand the Republican Party is conservative and a little bit like Scrooge McDuck in the Donald Duck cartoons. They do not want to spend even a penny. They are willing to risk the credit of the United States, which will immediately cost everyone more money. Credit card interest rates will skyrocket. Buying a new home will cost more because of interest-rate increases. Even buying a car cost more. Even getting close to not coming to some agreement will cost you and me more in interest costs.

I hope the Republican Party realizes before it’s too late that forcing their belief in minimal spending will, at the same time, mean much more spending for the government and you and me.

Both these things, abortion and the national debt, may seem like worthy goals, but in the long run, they will be costly to our nation.



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”