Using a bot in creating stories

Using a bot in creating stories

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Have you ever reached a point in your writing where you just couldn’t think of anything new? You can now use some of the new chat AI programs that are free to use to get out what I call a “grey funk.”

Let’s say you want to write about a young man. How about giving him some military experience and he is returning home after serving at the start of the story?

Here is what I typed into

“Write a blog about developing a character who entered the military at 18 and after serving six years is returning home to his rural home.”

Here is what it returned (I numbered the paragraphs) – 1.“The decision to enter the military at a young age is one that comes with a great deal of sacrifice and responsibility. For many, it is a chance to serve their country and gain valuable life experience. For others, it is a way to escape the constraints of their hometown and start a new life. Whatever the reason, the journey of a military service member is never an easy one. In this blog, we will explore the development of a character who has entered the military at 18 and after serving six years is returning home to his rural home.

  1. Meet Jackson, a young man who grew up in a small rural town in the Midwest. He was an average student in high school, but he excelled in athletics, particularly in track and field. He had dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete, but those dreams were shattered when he injured his knee during his senior year. Feeling lost and unsure of what to do with his life, Jackson made the decision to join the military.
  2. At basic training, Jackson quickly learned that life in the military was not for the faint of heart. The rigorous training and demanding schedule pushed him to his limits, but he found solace in the camaraderie of his fellow soldiers. Through his six years of service, Jackson traveled to several different countries, served in combat, and earned several commendations. However, the experiences he had on the battlefield left him with emotional scars that he would carry with him for the rest of his life.
  3. Now, at the age of 24, Jackson is returning home to his small town. He has mixed feelings about his return; on the one hand, he is excited to see his family and friends again, but on the other hand, he is nervous about readjusting to civilian life. He has been away for so long that he wonders if he will fit in or if he will feel like a stranger in his own hometown.
  4. As Jackson settles back into life in his hometown, he finds that things have changed. The people he knew in high school have moved on with their lives, and many of his old friends have left town. He feels out of place and disconnected from the community he once knew. However, he soon discovers that there are others in his town who have had similar experiences, and he finds comfort in the support of other veterans.
  5. Jackson also struggles with the memories of his time in the military. He has nightmares about the things he saw and experienced, and he finds it hard to talk about his feelings with others. Through counseling and the support of his family and friends, Jackson begins to heal and find his place in his hometown once again.
  6. In conclusion, the journey of a military service member is a complex one that involves sacrifice, discipline, and resilience. Returning home after serving in the military can be both exciting and challenging. As we have seen in the development of Jackson’s character, readjusting to civilian life can be difficult, but with the support of family, friends, and fellow veterans, it is possible to find a sense of belonging once again.”

What the chat bot returned is full of ideas, but some of it doesn’t hang together. For example, if he hurt his knee in his senior year so badly that he couldn’t compete in the Olympics, it’s likely he wouldn’t be accepted in the military due to that injury. However, there is a lot in what the chat bot returned for you can use

In paragraph number 3, we find out that Jackson was both shaped and injured by his military service. We are going to have to figure out a way to “show not explain” those two facts about Jackson. We could mine those two facts throughout the story. The military demands responsibility and even such simple things as making your bed. You could show Jackson getting up showering, getting dressed, and making his bed before he eats breakfast. It’s something he does automatically because of his military training.

In paragraph number 4, it is obvious he would have mixed feelings about returning home. Jackson’s not sure what civilian life provides. Jackson can wonder about a myriad of things. Maybe that first morning after he gets home, he was going to town. There are other ways you could show Jackson’s nervousness about returning home.

In paragraph number 5, Jackson discovers that you can never return home again. Some of his friends have left town for new jobs. Some of the girls he dated are married. The whole world is changed and so has Jackson. The only solace Jackson finds is in the support of other veterans. Wait, you just found it’s the foundation for your story, Jackson’s adjustment. What will he do? If he finds a girlfriend, she will soon discover his nightmares. How will she attempt to help him?

You can turn once more to the chat bot to see how his girlfriend might help him. I did that and here’s what it returned – Summary: After serving six years in the military, a young man returns home, only for his girlfriend to discover that he’s plagued by nightmares. Together, they embark on a journey of healing and rediscovering their connection.

  1. Encourage open communication: His girlfriend should create a safe and supportive space for him to share his experiences, fears, and feelings. She can listen empathetically, validate his emotions, and assure him that he’s not alone in his struggles.
  2. Seek professional help: His girlfriend can encourage him to see a therapist or counselor specializing in PTSD and trauma. They may explore various treatment options, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), or group therapy with other veterans.
  3. Establish a bedtime routine: To help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality, they can establish a calming bedtime routine together. This may include activities like reading, meditation, breathing exercises, or taking a warm bath.
  4. Create a peaceful sleep environment: They can work together to create a sleep-friendly environment by ensuring the bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet. Adding comforting elements like soft blankets, soothing scents, or calming music may also help.
  5. Encourage self-care: His girlfriend can support him in practicing self-care, such as engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and pursuing hobbies or interests that bring him joy and relaxation.
  6. Connect with support groups: They can find local support groups for veterans or people dealing with PTSD, where he can share his experiences and learn from others who have faced similar challenges.
  7. Be patient: Healing from trauma takes time, and his girlfriend should remain patient, understanding, and supportive throughout the process. Celebrating small victories and being there during setbacks will help strengthen their bond.
  8. Rebuild trust and intimacy: As they work together to help him overcome his nightmares, they can also focus on rebuilding trust and intimacy in their relationship. This may involve spending quality time together, engaging in activities they both enjoy, and expressing love and appreciation for each other.

By supporting her boyfriend on his journey to healing, his girlfriend plays a crucial role in helping him overcome the nightmares and rediscover a sense of peace and connection in their relationship.

Wow! There are a ton of ideas in what the bot returned. You are no longer stuck. Mine those eight paragraphs returned from bot. You started out with no story and with the help of a bot you have story with different ways to go. Congratulations!



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”