Limits of ChatGPT

Limits of ChatGPT

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I received this question, “I have a character who is in his mid-30s but barely looks like he’s just out of his teens. This look is Theimportant to the story. How can I show this and not tell it?”

I thought this would be an ideal test for ChatGPT.

Here is what ChatGPT came up with – “There are several ways to show that your character looks much younger than his actual age without telling it directly. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Physical appearance: You can describe your character’s physical appearance in a way that emphasizes his youthful features. For example, you might mention his smooth skin, lack of wrinkles or crow’s feet, or his slight build. You could also note his hairstyle, clothing, or accessories that might make him look younger.
  2. Interactions with other characters: You can show how other characters react to your character’s youthful appearance. For example, you might have someone mistake him for a teenager or comment on how young he looks. Alternatively, you could show how your character is treated differently because of his appearance. Maybe people don’t take him seriously, or assume that he’s inexperienced.
  3. Personality and behavior: You can use your character’s personality and behavior to reinforce his youthful appearance. For example, he might act impulsive, naive, or immature in certain situations. He might also have interests or hobbies that are typically associated with younger people.
  4. Backstory: You can reveal information about your character’s past that helps explain his youthful appearance. For example, you might mention that he had a health condition as a child that stunted his growth, or that he’s always taken excellent care of his skin.

By using these techniques, you can show your character’s youthful appearance without explicitly stating his age. This can make your story more engaging for readers and help them connect with your character on a deeper level.”

The first few responses from ChatGPT are everyday things. However, number four is interesting, so I asked ChatGPT to expand number four. I received no reply. I tried your wording my question about number four in numerous ways and got no response. I asked ChatGPT how his hair or clothing would make him look younger. Again I got no response.

I think the four responses ChatGPT gave me are the extent of its “knowledge.” They reminded me of things I had seen in books about fiction writing. They seem to provide excellent responses but can’t expand on them. However, use your imagination to expand the response or responses you found interesting. As of yet, ChatGPT can’t write a very imaginative story. But it is an excellent way to generate starting ideas.




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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”