We want the same basics

We want the same basics

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Yesterday I wrote about examples from your life that would interest others. There was an implied understanding that no one feels exactly as you do. Each of us is unique. We have our hopes and dreams, but the details of those hopes and dreams are different for each of us.

I listen to the radio, look at TV, and look at things online. I see how much we are alike, but those with an agenda exploit the tiniest differences to drive us apart. I live on a dead-end dirt road in the country. That’s about as different as living in a low-income area in the city as you can get. Our basic dreams and hopes are the same. We want a family and to live in peace. The cost of gas and groceries is forcing us to make choices we shouldn’t have to make. We worry. Will our children live in a better world than we do? We hope they will. Why do we allow people to exploit and try to drive us apart?

If you live in a city, the thought of having everything from wild turkeys to bears wandering through your front yard is unimaginable. On the other hand, living in a poor area of the city is something I can’t imagine. However, we both love our family. We try our best to give them happiness now and a better future. They say our country is divided. Is it really? Don’t we want the same basic things? It is the politicians who benefit if we believe we are divided.

In the past, we have had politicians from Caesar to Hitler. What did they bring to the world? War! I have participated in a war. It only brings sorrow in extremes to ordinary people. Suppose we continue to listen to the politicians and believe the lies that we are different from everyone else and our ways are the only way. In that case, we are doomed to a miserable life.

The only way to defeat politicians is to vote. Look and listen carefully to what they say and do. If it’s only to divide us, reject them. I have always found there is one whose rhetoric and promises are to bring us together. They remind us how much we are alike. Reject politicians who say, “They are different. They will destroy the country.”




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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”