More of Ken’s story

More of Ken’s story

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If you remember, Ken was in the biology lab with his lab partner Sandy. This is just a continuation of that scene and hopefully, you learn more about Ken than Sandy.



“You’re sure lucky. I have two more today. My German class next and then an English Lit class at three o’clock.”

“How about we meet in the Union near the Buffalo scene?”

“Sounds good.”

* * *

            It was about an hour and a half later, and Ken was sitting in the Students Union waiting for Sandy. Because it was a Friday afternoon, far fewer people were in the Union than usual. He watched as a couple walked by. They were very much into each other and almost totally oblivious to anything else. Ken thought how good it would feel to be half of a couple and missed Sandy’s arrival in the Union.

“Hi. You look like you are thinking,” Sandy said.

“Ah, nothing important. I’ve been people-watching,” Ken realized how good-looking Sandy was.

“That’s fun,” Sandy said as she sat down.

Ken wasn’t sure what Sandy wanted, and he didn’t want to appear stupid, “Yeah, sure.”

“You’re the most intelligent person I know. I’m finding that biology lab is difficult because I’m not a natural artist,” Sandy said as she reached into her backpack.

“I don’t think they expect this to be another Cézanne.”


“Cézanne was just an artist who worked in the late 19th century.”

“See, as I said, you got it up here,” Sandy tapped the side of her head.

Ken thought to himself that isn’t what attracts girls and said, “If you say so.”

Sandy opened her lab notebook and handed it to Ken, “I want you to look at my drawing. I got a lousy grade on my last drawing. I’m just an elementary ed student, so I need the help of someone as brainy as you.”

Ken didn’t reply and opened his backpack and took out his drawing of the protozoa. He pointed out the things that Sandy had missed. They spent haft hour on the anatomy of single-cell protozoa.

“I really really got to thank you. You’re a great help,” Sandy reached over and patted the back of his hand.

Ken smiled weakly at her and thought, that’s probably the only kind of touch I will ever get from a girl.

Sandy put her lab notebook away as she said, “What have you got planned for the weekend?”

Ken shrugged and said, “Nothing.”

“I haven’t had a weekend like that in since forever. My boyfriend and I are going to a movie tonight and dancing on Saturday,” Sandy said.

“Sounds like fun.”

Yeah, sure. You know you’re really special too. If I hadn’t met you, I probably would be failing that stupid biology class. You’re not like most guys. You’re a real gentleman. I better get going. I have a couple of things I gotta do before my English Lit class,” Sandy said as she stood up to leave.

Ken watched as Sandy walked away. He thought to himself, “That was shit. Only something else, but never a boyfriend.”



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”