A scary time

A scary time

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Mariupol Ukraine reduced to rubble with an estimated 20,000 people dead

Let me start by answering a question. I am aware of only one book that contains one of my poems. The title is A Measured Response. It was edited by H. Palmer Hall. It was published by Pecan Grove Press.

Changing the subject, Putin is a very dangerous man right now. If he cannot succeed in subduing the Ukrainians, he will find himself in a perilous position. He knows it’s very likely that someone will remove him one way or the other. He has destroyed the Russian economy. He misjudged the ability of his army. Putin is making a last-ditch effort to show success in Ukraine.

That means he will use any means to try and succeed in his conquest of Ukraine. The general put in charge has been called a “butcher.” Instead of using infantry to take a town, he will stand off and use artillery and bombing to reduce cities to rubble. He has effectively removed entire cities from the map. You can do this only if you have no regard for the civilians in the area. High explosives are indiscriminate in who they kill.

Putin knows he must succeed and has appointed a commander who has no regard for civilians. Putin hopes that the general can take the eastern and southern parts of Ukraine. It would cut Ukraine off from the Black Sea. That would give Russia further access to the Black Sea. Something that Putin could declare as a victory.

What would happen if Putin and his new general fail? We don’t know. He might be willing to use nuclear weapons even if he knows he won’t survive because he won’t survive anyway. It’s a scary time.



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”