Your friend a drug dealer

Your friend a drug dealer

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As we have learned through research, the way we feel is controlled by neurochemicals. If you see a friend on the street or see their name listed in your email inbox, or even if you hear their name casually mentioned in conversation, a flood of neurochemicals are released into your brain. Such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. Some clever punster took the first letter of each word and simply called them the DOSE.

Let’s look at each of these neurochemicals. Dopamine helps you form habits. I am sure you can quickly see both the good and bad sides of dopamine. When you win an online game, you get the reward of a dopamine burst. However, it quickly goes away, and you continue to play the online game. In other words, it is habit-forming. In your life, it helps you form long-term goals such as going to college, getting a great job, or even finding a life partner.

Oxytocin was by several nicknames. My favorite is “the love hormone.” It is released when we have physical contact with someone. It might be a new mother nursing a child. Oxytocin is released, and she falls even more deeply in love with her baby. It might be as casual as meeting a friend and exchanging hugs that releases the hormone. When I was teaching a college class, we were warned never to hug a student of the opposite sex because of the effect of this hormone. There were times when a student understood a concept and was so happy that it was difficult not to hug them.

Serotonin is many roles to play in the body. However, we are concerned with its ability to influence our loyalty, pride, and status. Remember when you graduated high school? Serotonin motivated “us” to get that diploma. On the other hand, we think our parents and teachers helped us to achieve this goal. It is a two-way street that helps us excel at our goals.

Endorphins are interesting because there essentially released in response to pain. The usual example given for endorphins is the “runner’s high.” It’s more of a relaxed feeling. It is often suggested that you use a gym routine to generate that comfortable feeling. After a particularly stressful period at work, meeting with or even talking to a friend can release endorphins.

Next time you encounter an old friend, thank them for being your drug dealer and watch their reaction!



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”