She is dressed in a modest gray dress with her hair done up in a bun and Pince-Nez glasses perched on her nose

She is dressed in a modest gray dress with her hair done up in a bun and Pince-Nez glasses perched on her nose

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The novel For the Love of a Woman is on track for its November 15 release date. It is free if you have KindleUnlimited. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can still pre-order it for $2.95. Amazon offers free software that will let you read Kindle books on almost anything. It’s a murder mystery wrapped in a romance.

I’m still getting comments about my last blog, “Put your damn clothes back on!” Some people can’t understand why I can’t control a character. I say a character comes alive, but perhaps a better way to say it would be character must be logically consistent. An example of that might be a character who refuses to eat a cocktail because s/he hates shrimp. Still, in the next chapter, they have a favorite meal that starts with a shrimp cocktail. As a reader, you would likely be disgusted and put the book down. The character just didn’t make sense.

I think somewhere in the deep rich recesses of my mind, there is a censor. She is dressed in a modest gray dress with her hair done up in a bun and Pince-Nez glasses perched on her nose. She is extremely fussy about details. You mustn’t change a woman’s gloves size from a small to medium and not expect to get smacked with a wooden ruler. She’s the reason characters come alive!




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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”