Algernon Charles Swinburne

Algernon Charles Swinburne

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Algernon Charles Swinburne is an example of a writer well regarded in his lifetime, but little remembered today. He was a poet, playwright, novelist, and critic. If you go to a library with a good collection of Victorian poetry, you will find almost a shelf full of his poetry – perhaps a little exaggeration there on my part. I stumbled upon his poetry purely by accident as I had never heard of Swinburne. As I read poem after poem of his, I could see he had followed all of the conventions of his day, but I was left wondering why he had written them. He apparently had the ability to quickly turn out a poem and after a dinner party he might write a thank you in the form of a poem to his hostess the next day. Anyway, here is one of his poems that has real promise, but somehow makes little sense to readers of today. What do you think? Do you like Swinburne? You can learn a little bit more about him here and read more of his poetry.


“STAND UP, stand up, thou May Janet,
And go to the wars with me.”
He’s drawn her by both hands
With her face against the sea.

“He that strews red shall gather white,
He that sows white reap red,
Before your face and my daughter’s
Meet in a marriage-bed.

“Gold coin shall grow in the yellow field,
Green corn in the green sea-water,
And red fruit grow of the rose’s red,
Ere your fruit grow in her.”

“But I shall have her by land,” he said,
“Or I shall have her by sea,
Or I shall have her by strong treason
And no grace go with me.”

Her father’s drawn her by both hands,
He’s rent her gown from her,
He’s ta’en the smock round her body,
Cast in the sea-water.

The captain’s drawn her by both sides
Out of the fair green sea;
“Stand up, stand up, thou May Janet,
And come to the war with me.”

The first town they came to
There was a blue bride-chamber;
He clothed her on with silk
And belted her with amber.

The second town they came to
The bridesmen feasted knee to knee;
He clothed her on with silver,
A stately thing to see.

The third town they came to
The bridesmaids all had gowns of gold;
He clothed her on with purple,
A rich thing to behold.

The last town they came to
He clothed her white and red,
With a green flag either side of her
And a gold flag overhead.





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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”