Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti

Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti

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Christina Rossetti

I remember the first time I read Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti. I was intrigued and I enjoyed it. She was one of the greatest Victorian poets. Her dates are 1830-94. It is a long poem. You can listen it to it being read to you here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmDeJJIRSxM You can read it here https://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poems/goblin-market If you are like me, you are not quite sure what to make of it. There are several analysis of it online but it good short one is at https://interestingliterature.com/2017/06/06/a-short-analysis-of-christina-rossettis-goblin-market/

Now that you have had either a chance to read the poem or listen to it, what do you think? My first impression was there was a sexual nature to the poem and the one sister “sowed her wild oats,” but it all turned out well for because by the end of the poem she is a well-regarded mother. The Victorians were a bit silly about sexuality. They felt they had to cover a piano legs because they might be considered erotic!?!



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