Dreaded disease of spring cleaning!

Dreaded disease of spring cleaning!

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This week I was struck with a dreaded disease. It’s not Covid. It’s something worse called “spring cleaning.” I am trying to get my office cleaned out and cleaned up. I still take care of my email, answering questions and sometimes just reading it. I have been neglectful in terms of posts. Before I go back to tackling my office and spring cleaning, I wanted to share my thoughts about something in my email this morning. It was a headline that read, “How do I let go of goals but still “keep my eyes on the ball?”

The rest of the email was well-written copywriting, ad writing. I wasn’t particularly interested in the product they were trying to sell. Still, the advice was almost universal in that it could be applied to nearly anything. It’s springtime. Many of us are thinking about gardening. It’s already time to plant in parts of the country, but before you head to the garden center to buy plants, what you should you do? You need to do some planning. You made a list of what you want to grow in your garden. One item might be tomatoes. There must be thousands of varieties of tomatoes. I received the catalog in the mail this year that was nothing but different types of tomatoes. I usually think of tomatoes as red, but they come in all sorts of colors, from yellow to an almost black dark purple. Tomatoes come in varieties called determinate or indeterminate. You also have tomatoes that are resistant to many diseases. Do you need that resistance? If so, which diseases?

The garden center might not have the variety of tomatoes you want, so you make a list of the first and second varieties and so on of tomatoes you like. You accomplished what the ad suggested. Your goal was to find a tomato you want. You kept your eye on the goal, but you found several ways of achieving it through planning. You won’t be frustrated if the garden center doesn’t have the first choice. Good planning will help you more easily achieve your goal.

Back to my goal of the day – attack the west side of my office. Hey, it’s big! More so when I’m cleaning.




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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”