Sharing is caring!
I was told I was ignorant because I didn’t use the term scat. The Merriam-Webster dictionary points out that scat can be either a verb or a noun. It could be used to replace poo as “an animal’s fecal droppings.” Scat can also mean “going away quickly” or in “jazz singing nonsense symbols.” I only ever seen scat in terms of animal fecal droppings in writings about big-game hunting – “We saw fresh scat indicating there was a big cat in the area.” I wasn’t sure how many of my readers would be familiar with the term, but I knew everyone understood the word poo.
I was asked if I own a rifle. I do. It’s very appropriate for the ground gophers that do damage to our garden and flower beds. It’s CO2-powered. I don’t own a hunting rifle anymore because my handicap limits my ability to skin and breakdown a deer or a bear into usable parts. The yield of usable meat from deer is usually a little under 100 pounds. The yield of usable meat from a bear is at least twice that. Like all wild game, they will taste like what they have been eating. Bears are omnivores. They will generally eat anything that doesn’t eat them first. When I was young, and towns still had dumps, I was told that the bears that hung around the dumps tasted just like the dumps smelled.
I will leave you with that pleasant thought for today.