What makes a man an adult?

What makes a man an adult?

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Some definitions that are meant to be funny actually contain truth in them. I heard a definition the other day of what an adult male is. It was on the radio and went something like this “A man is an adult when he’s in bed by midnight with the same woman as the night before and just wants to sleep. You know he is truly an adult because he can change a baby’s diaper full of poo without gagging.” I am sure there are many more definitions of an adult male. You could probably make up a small book of those definitions. Still, I definitely like this one.

I like it because of its continuity – how one thing inevitably leads to the other. The first sentence describes a long-term comfortable relationship. He doesn’t need to satisfy his drive for intimacy every time he sleeps with his partner. Yet, the second shows the man’s commitment to his partner. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t sometimes want to gag as they changed a baby’s diaper.

The definition is both accurate and funny at the same time, all within two short sentences. Can you think of a definition that is funny and true at the same time?



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