Civil War or compromise?

Civil War or compromise?

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First, something from my last post, the woman I wrote about I have long lost contact with her. The last thing I knew of her was that she had been admitted to a mental institution. I’m not in that part of the country anymore, so I would have no way of finding out about her. I’m sorry, I can’t give you more information.

In that same post, I wrote about the divide in our country. There must’ve been a cause of this divide. I think it is the fault of the political parties. If you think about what the last couple of congresses have achieved, you will see very little. The only significant thing that happened was in the Senate. One side was able to gain control of the Supreme Court. They were also able to appoint many of their party’s judges to the federal courts’ lifetime appointments. I say significant because those actions will last longer than any politician or president. They also did pass one short term bill that provided relief from the problems caused by the Covid virus.

There was another period of time in our history when there was a great divide. It got so bad that in the halls of Washington that a Congressman got so angry at another that he took his cane and beat another Congressman. That divide led to the Civil War. I don’t think either party wishes that would happen today. However, their partisanship has gotten so out of control we have people saying that it is time for another Civil War. The storming of Congress the other week shows how possible that is.

We are all Americans before we are Democrats or Republicans. If we keep up what we are currently doing, there won’t be any Americans, only Democrats and Republicans. Just because there are policy differences between the two parties, I don’t believe any of us would want to see the United States in another Civil War. Those differences are extremely important. They keep the country from going too far one way or the other. Let’s look at spending – the Republicans as conservatives will watch the purse strings, and we need that. The Democrats see ills in society they feel could be corrected by government spending, and we need that.

An example of those goals would be that the Democrats want to spend more and Republicans less in this pandemic. They are both worthy goals, and we shouldn’t label the other side as lunatics because of what they want to do. Both are reasonable, and compromise has been the glue that held the country together. When we couldn’t compromise, it led to the Civil War. Do we want to do that again?



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”