The most popular post last year and all the pornographic spam I receive

The most popular post last year and all the pornographic spam I receive

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I would like to share a couple of things with you this morning. The most popular post last year occurred on November 15. It was titled You may want to look back at it. The second thing I will have to explain. If you reply to a post, it does not automatically appear for everyone to read. Every morning I read all of the comments and okay everything relevant. Some website owners want to improve their listings on search engines. One thing that search engines consider in the listing is how many other websites have links to the one in question. This means I get all sorts of weird comments from people trying to improve their website listing position. Suppose a comment doesn’t appear to make sense with anything I posted. In that case, I will put their address into a browser and look at the site, trying to decide if the person a native English speaker. That does happen. I wouldn’t want to deny someone their comment just because they aren’t fluent in English.

Most weird comments are merely trying to trick the search engines into making them seem more popular. I was surprised to find that a little over 98% of the weird comments lead back to a pornography site. This year the majority of those sites featured lesbian porn. I try to understand why these spammers are attempting to use my website. I have definitely written about the topic of sex and how it should be treated in fiction writing. Those postings lead to a massive flow of spammers. I’m willing to put up going through the comments I receive after I post something like that and mark the comments that are obviously not appropriate as spam. I think it’s appropriate to comment on all aspects of fiction writing, whether it be describing how someone is dressed to making dialogue seem natural even though it’s obviously not realistic on the page. The way we speak is full of pauses and ahs and ums and so on. If you write dialogue like that, you’d soon lose your readers.

Those are my thoughts for today. I don’t know if you are surprised, but I was surprised by the most popular post and all the spam from lesbian porn sites.



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”