Why subplots?

Why subplots?

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I think the best fiction will have a subplot or two in it. A subplot is one that is a little less important to the story. If it’s a romance novel, the heroine may be working on something that could lead to a work promotion. In a mystery novel, the detective could be learning to fly a small plane while solving the murder. In my current mystery novel, our hero is trying to save the family business and finds himself falling in love all while trying to solve the murder of his brother.

I think subplots make for a more realistic story. Think of your own life. You are doing several things simultaneously. You’re trying to figure out how to save the money to remodel your kitchen while looking for a new job because you realize the old one has nowhere for you to advance. We have the holidays coming up, and we also are in the middle of a pandemic. You may want to get together, but you’re afraid of spreading the virus. The plot of your story right now is that desire to get together with family and friends over the holidays. On the other hand, you have the subplot of trying not to spread the virus.

We all have a life full of subplots. The central plot in your life might revolve around keeping your family healthy and safe. The subplots would be all the things you are doing for the upcoming holidays. Finding gifts for everyone, planning a menu for the holiday meal, and so on are those subplots. I’m sure you can think of others I could’ve included. Do you see the need for subplots? I think they are essential for the single reason they make the novel more realistic.



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”