How are you holding up?

How are you holding up?

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How are you holding up? Has the whole virus thing got you down? Nothing seems normal. Schools might open, or they might open in a way where no kids go back to a real classroom. The politicians in Washington are arguing about relief packages. Worse yet, one party can’t even decide among themselves what to do about helping the nation. What’s the old expression – going to hell in a handbasket? It can feel that way today. It’s overwhelming!

What can we do about it? There are very few actual steps we can take to help limit the spread of the virus. There are only two according to the information out there – wear a mask away from home and wash our hands. I guess you’d call them “The Two Big W’s, wear and wash.” What can we do to reduce our anxiety? Keep informed about the pandemic, but also practice tuning out. You know that every radio, television, news website, and newspaper will be full of stories about the pandemic.

There many Internet sites that stream music continuously. Instead of listening to that fifth newscast about the pandemic, choose a music site, and listen to your favorite music. There are sites like Gutenberg, which has over 60,000 books you can read for free. You can read those books using a cell phone, a Kindle, a Nook, a laptop or desk computer, and many other mobile devices. Get lost in a great piece of fiction or explore an idea that takes you away from what’s going on. Why not cook something special? How about Stromboli? Go to YouTube and type in Stromboli in their search box. You will find many videos showing how to make Stromboli. YouTube has zillion other exciting videos. The other day I ran across a video of how people dressed in the 17th century. It started with the undergarments all the way to the finished look, as demonstrated by a woman. I noticed she had videos from almost every era in history.

The important thing is not to binge on the news stories in any form. Make an effort to distract yourself and find other things to take you out of the moment.



2 Responses

  1. We have gone to hell in a hand basket! I think that we can slowly, with much faith and lots of high hopes, climb out of this hell we are in! The school district is contemplating a feasible school alternative that I like, but do not know if it will involve volunteers. I will just have to keep hoping.
    How are you doing?

    1. I wish our political leaders would have paid more attention back in March about the virus. It would probably help if we would listen to authorities that another pandemic was sure to come. I am not sure what to think about the upcoming school year. I think from high school on up that distant learning works well. I know that from working for an online university. It is the younger kids that need contact with their peers because grade school as much to do with social learning. I think given our age it is not the time to volunteer at schools. It appears many younger children are asymptomatic but able to spread the virus. The important thing is to stay healthy right now because a vaccine will come along and things will return to some semblance of what they were in January.

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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”