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I received a question from someone who read my newest novel, Darkhouse Lure, using the chapters I posted online at my website. They sent it to nelsericksen{at} [You don’t dare put a full email address online or your mailbox will fill up with spam.] You can use the same address if you have questions or just post them here on my blog. Back to the question – “Why are your sex scenes not very detailed?” The purpose of those scenes is to show the growing love and affection between those two characters. I didn’t feel it was necessary to go into such detail as fitting tab B into slot A, but I would ask you to consider the scene where after they make love they fall asleep still connected. It shows the relaxed nature of being together and shared intimacy of a couple in love. I also added a bit of humor. When they wake up, they find they are stuck together by the dried liquids of intimacy. One of them comments, “I guess I’m stuck on you.” I have also included one scene where they examine each other’s body in detail. For her, it is the large scar showing the after effects of major gynecological surgery that rendered her unable to have children. For him, it is the muscle that has disappeared on his thigh and the scarring around his hip and upper leg that has left him handicapped. The purpose there was to show the reader how injured both of them are and how the two characters accept the other’s injuries.
If you have any questions about any of my novels, please post them here or on my website at