Pain Connoisseur?

Pain Connoisseur?

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I was awake in the middle of the night last night because of pain. The thought came to me that I have become a “pain connoisseur.” I don’t know if there is such a thing as a pain connoisseur. What do you think? The idea came to me because of the various kinds of pain I experience. There is pain from my bad back and the numerous surgeries on it. There’s always a dull aching pain keeping me company and then for no reason I can figure out the level of pain will jump way up the pain scale and the pain becomes red-hot. I’m usually too busy reacting to it to be able to describe any better than that – it hurts! I was thinking connoisseur because there are other sources of pain I enjoy(?). I have a hip that I have been told that will need replacing. Pain from I hip only comes on when I move and luckily that’s not very often right now. It’s a great motivator to just stay in place and meditate. That pain is brilliant like the feeling you get on a -40°F day with bright sunshine and you have just stepped outside to get the mail in shorts and a T-shirt and bare feet. There is also a lack of pain that causes pain. I know that’s a weird sentence. My left foot has lost most of its feeling. I can still tell whether something is hot or cold, but you could run a truck over that foot and if the tire wasn’t real hot or real cold I wouldn’t know you’ve done anything to it. That foot experiences a wide variety of pain – maybe I should say it creates different pains. It might feel like I have dropped boiling water on it, but if I look at the foot there’s no sign of any reason I should feel that pain. The foot can get really creative in the types of pain it gives me. One moment it might feel like it has been burnt and then it will quickly change to a feeling like someone just drove a knife through the top of my foot out the soul of my foot. Sometimes I think it just gets lazy and it just gives me a big dull ache. Sometimes my whole body will join in the pain game. I have noticed if one pain becomes too extreme or I start to experience two or more pains in different places at the same time, then there is sudden pain everywhere in my body. Every joint seems to hurt and sometimes even muscles in my legs and arms will hurt. I don’t know if my body is just weird or if this happens the other people. I have never asked people who would know in the pain management group. Maybe I should someday. Anyway, I think you can see after I have explained the many types of pain I enjoyed why I might be called a pain connoisseur. It is sort of like someone who enjoys many different types of wines becoming a wine connoisseur. What do you think?



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”