Fall morning

Fall morning

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We are less than a month from our first frost. The nights are already cool and were well into the 40s. The mornings have a distinct feel of fall. There’s nothing I can do to prevent the coming of fall, but I can enjoy the early mornings these days. To the south of me – you can see a picture of the area at the top of the page – there is pasture, the part blooming in the photo above, and further to the west and it is like the lower elevation are hay fields. They’re the dark green fields without flowers in the photo above. These mornings they are often covered in ground fog. I know there have been mornings if I were walking on those hay fields I would be walking in quite dense fog. There are other mornings I know that the fog would be only as high as my waist or perhaps a bit lower. I know that because I’ve seen deer grazing in those hay fields. You can see their body and their heads when they look around, but once they go back to grazing their heads disappear into the fog. This morning was no different and the fog was there to look at and the feel of fall was in the air. As I look out my window to the east into the sun, I can see the very first signs of leaves beginning to turn for the oncoming fall. It reminds me I am also in the fall of my years.



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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”