What do you think? Was it really a bad day?

What do you think? Was it really a bad day?

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I had a bad day this week. I’ll let you decide how bad it was. I had a surgery scheduled in a hospital about two hours and 1/2 drive from my home. Because I had to report to the hospital at 6:15 AM, we stayed the night before at a motel. Everything seemed to be going well at the hospital the next morning. I was all prepped and ready to go to the operating room when suddenly everything halted. An important test had never been completed. I was told to get dressed and leave. I did. I have obviously still have the problem and no idea when or what’s going to happen next. What do you think? Was it really a bad day?



2 Responses

  1. Where was the test supposed to be done, who ordered it and why was it not done? You need to find the answers to all of that!!!

    1. Elsa,
      They had done a culture of my urine and found one on identified bacteria and that laid the report until they could identify it. They have no early warning system to tell the doctor that a test is not complete and it’s very unusual for it to take several days to identify a bacteria and then identify what antibiotic might work with it. It’s another example of how the small details of running a hospital are not being done by this medical group. They are spending all their time and energy in expansion by buying up other medical practices. In the last month, they have bought units in Iowa and Wisconsin. The people at the hospital are great and they know things are going bad, but senior management won’t listen to them. They are losing people right and left. One of the VA nurses I talked to said that they pay well but you don’t want to work there.

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” I am a writer and as a writer, I do not neatly fit into any category. I have written magazine articles, feature news articles, restaurant reviews, a newspaper column, and several book length nonfiction projects aimed at people interested in particular health problems for foundations and companies. As to novels, I have published some Kindle novels.”